Prototyp Alpha Status

Accompanying this page was a parlour game in development, which is supposed to bring the topics of YLP closer to everyone in a playful way. However, the development of the game Your Little Planet! preceded the Your Little Planet Initiative.

Developing a game, especially one that has to reconcile so many factors, is a time-consuming activity. Because of the fact that important topics like TTIP, CETA and many other topics are becoming more and more important, or rather because they would be a thing of the past by the time the game was finished, I have classified the work on the initiative as more important and put the development of the game on hold for an indefinite period of time.

Nevertheless, you can already see some of the game even if the development is currently "only" alpha status and has stopped due to the lack of time and financial capacities.

Your Little Planet! playfully picks up on topics such as climate change, sustainability, social responsibility and cooperation to strengthen global and responsible action and give gamers the opportunity and information they need to make an effective contribution to shaping their future. Players are presented with the possible effects of purely monetary, non-sustainable growth, unforeseeable events that can have far-reaching consequences, as well as the opportunities that every player has to make a difference for himself.... be it on a distant little planet or on our good old mother earth.


Each game is based on a prototype. With this game, test games are carried out which help to make the game better and more exciting. In the following you can see a very small part of what already exists in the game.

Prototypes of playing cards

bildung geheimdienste

gemeinwohl gleichberechtigung kohlekraft

massentierhaltung weichmacher windkraft 

Prototype of the board


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